Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nice and Easy.

After a much needed fall break I can say that the first day back was a breeze. In FOD today we worked with gesture drawing by breaking it down into steps. By defining the basic shapes and then moving on to detail I can honestly say that I felt that I did a decent job today. Our homework for that class is to cut out strips of bond paper and fold them in different matters so as to make them into an interesting still life which seems simple enough to complete. I've also learned today that my second exam is coming up for my Abnormal Psychology class...time is really going by fast! Before I know it it will be time for winter break. Although today was nice and easy I know that it's time to knock out things that I have on my agenda for school such as assignments and making sure everything goes as planned for spring registration. Thank goodness today was nice and easy.

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