Monday, October 5, 2009


I'll start by saying that TIME FLIES!! It still feels to me as if the semester has just started, but it is almost the mid point of this semester. I've been pretty busy this past week which is why this particular blog is a little late being posted but better late than never. This past week most of my concentration went into doing organic shapes for 3-D design and working on planar drawings for FOD. Once I had gotten into working on the organic shapes I had begun to not think of how much I do not like that class. FOD is still going fine, I will just have to be more careful when drawing the subject matter and choosing a specific spot to draw the subject matter for the class. When I first sit down I feel that I have an excellent view of what I am drawing, but somehow later on I always find my view obstructed by the edge of someone else drawing board. Our homework assignment for this past week was to draw drapery. I felt that I did a fairly decent job.

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