Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nice and Easy.

After a much needed fall break I can say that the first day back was a breeze. In FOD today we worked with gesture drawing by breaking it down into steps. By defining the basic shapes and then moving on to detail I can honestly say that I felt that I did a decent job today. Our homework for that class is to cut out strips of bond paper and fold them in different matters so as to make them into an interesting still life which seems simple enough to complete. I've also learned today that my second exam is coming up for my Abnormal Psychology class...time is really going by fast! Before I know it it will be time for winter break. Although today was nice and easy I know that it's time to knock out things that I have on my agenda for school such as assignments and making sure everything goes as planned for spring registration. Thank goodness today was nice and easy.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Tad Behind...

I was a little behind in my FOD class this week due to an absence. Because of my absence I missed out on important mid-term assignments. So right now it's all about playing catch-up for my missed class. The class is now onto blind contour drawing which explains everything because I literally feel like I am blind when I try this particular form of drawing. When I practice blind contour my finished product looks as if I was drop dead drunk when I drew it. I guess this is all part of the learning process because I haven't done this before. All else is going well with the other classes I am still not too fond of 3-D design of course but it's a requirement so what can I do about it....absolutely nothing. My homework assignment for FOD is to do four blind contour self portraits which should be relatively easy considering that I won't be looking at the line that I am drawing on my paper. My actual homework assignment should look as if I knocked back a bottle of moon shine before I attempted to do it...Cheers.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I'll start by saying that TIME FLIES!! It still feels to me as if the semester has just started, but it is almost the mid point of this semester. I've been pretty busy this past week which is why this particular blog is a little late being posted but better late than never. This past week most of my concentration went into doing organic shapes for 3-D design and working on planar drawings for FOD. Once I had gotten into working on the organic shapes I had begun to not think of how much I do not like that class. FOD is still going fine, I will just have to be more careful when drawing the subject matter and choosing a specific spot to draw the subject matter for the class. When I first sit down I feel that I have an excellent view of what I am drawing, but somehow later on I always find my view obstructed by the edge of someone else drawing board. Our homework assignment for this past week was to draw drapery. I felt that I did a fairly decent job.