Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Final Thoughts: Not Quite Right...

This semester went by extremely fast. It seems like it was yesterday that I was starting FOD 2 and now I am already at the end of the academic year. FOD 2 was a good class, I was introduced to a few new things and I have gained a better understanding about drawing techniques that I was already aware or before I started the class. Even though I liked the class this semester I still had some problems learning some of the techniques and there would be times where I would focus more on line than I did value. Because of this a majority of the assignments that I completed didn't turn out looking that good. I will also admit that I haven't paid as much attention to the blog as I did last semester which is pretty much my own fault, but I have also been dealing with other things, not related to school. Overall, I have enjoyed this semester and I have enjoyed my first year at MCA and I hope to see a lot of the people that I have met and befriended this year again in the fall. But until then.....BRING ON THE SUMMER!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Landscape Thoughts...

The landscape assignment was fine. I took a trip out to Shelby Farms because I felt that it would be easy to find a good landscape out that way. I honestly didn't include all aspects that were in my composition such as certain trees and shade spots because I didn't know exactly how to get them down when drawing. I felt that if I had tried I would've messed up the entire drawing because ink is unforgiving. It was brought up during class that my drawing lacked value, which was true. This assignment has taught me that I should take more chances when it comes to my work. I was afraid to add all of the aspects that I saw in my composition because I felt that by doing so I would end up with a drawing that was unidentifiable. I do plan to re-work the assignment when I get it back and make improvements to the problems that were brought to my attention during the critique.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wait! Where Did It Go?

Whatever happened to those good ole homework examples. I am under the same instructor that I had for drawing last semester and one of the best parts about FOD1 were the examples posted on the main blog of the homework assignments that were due the following week in class. Those were a major help because they allowed the student to get a sense of what is to be expected of their work when it came time for the next critique session. The examples that used to be posted were especially helpful if a student was absent from class for some reason, whether it be personal or medical, because they allowed a student to get the gist of what was going in the class session that was missed. I don't really network too well with any of the other students in class so when it comes down to my work and understanding my homework assignments the class blog is my best friend. It may be that I just typed this blog out too soon and didn't search the class blog good enough or it may be that homework examples are not posted for a reason this semester. If the homework examples are not to be posted on the blog intentionally for this semester then all that I have to say is "DAMN", because those homework post were the SHIT(and I say that with the upmost positive respect).

Back At It...

Yep.....I know. I'm getting my blog off to a bad start for the spring semester. Classes have been in session since late January and I am just now posting a blog in March. I have had some personal as well as medical issues going on this semester, but I am not making any excuses because this is pretty bad that I am just know blogging. Anyway, I missed my last class in FOD2 due to the aforementioned medical issues so I guess that I will start by mentioning what I was up to in class the week before my absence. We were working with using value to break down the planes in a still life using the side of a piece of conte. I understood the instructions given before we actually began working, however, my work didn't come out as planned. I guess that when I had begun to use the conte to show the planes of my still life I was pressing down too hard on the conte which resulted in me losing my certain areas of focus within my still life. I was kinda hard not being able to use line in the beginning of the assignment, but ,hopefully, I will be able to catch on.